Wolfram Alpha Adds Flight Data

By Tech Powered Dad | November 22, 2011

Have you ever looked for a simple way to track a flight someone you know is on? It’s not always as to find that in-flight data as you might think, particularly if you are looking for a way to do so on the go. The ever popular Wolfram Alpha has added flight data. With roughly a 10 minute data delay, you can see where any flight is currently located.

The Wolfram Alpha blog has demonstrated both how this can be used for tracking the flights that you have friends, family, or colleagues on as well as used to track yourself in flight. I’m always curious where I am up in the air and tend to fly on planes that don’t display that information to passengers, so I look forward to trying this out with the iPad app the next time I fly. Kudos to Wolfram for continuing to add interesting new features to Wolfram Alpha.

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